Hi there! My name is Stefanie Peacock 

 ♥ I love my family! I have three great kids a wonderful husband and 5 awesome dogs!  ♥

I have been breeding since 1999. (Himalayans and now Shih Tzu’s) 

I have my hobby license with the city of Sandy and own five Shih Tzu’s!! YES! We are a full house! BUT it is full of love. 

I am apart of the ISIS trusted breeder club, my doggies are all registered with the American Kennel Club, DNA tested and certified and recently have been recognized by AKC as a H.E.A.R.T breeder. 

I am one of the top ten Shih Tzu Breeder's in Utah: 


I am visited yearly or bi-yearly by AKC and my last visit in 2017 with J.F. Pete Wannamaker, (Executive Field Agent) was outstanding. He was so proud of my little breeding club we have here. He was also impressed with my retired dogs and told me that a lot of people do not retire their dogs, they just keep breeding until they basically die. (Super heartbreaking!) He said my vet records and health records were outstanding. He was impressed with my very detailed record keeping of all the pups and told me I am one of AKC's top Shih Tzu breeders. He shook my hand at the end of the meeting and told me he wished all of his visits were as easy as mine and wished all breeders could be as ethical and have such well kept dogs and quarters as I have. This made me VERY proud! (and I have to say, I personally thank my entire family for all their help too! Without them this wouldn't be possible!)

I am proud of my little breeding club I have here and I take great pride in it. 

I also try to make it to as many breeders seminars as possible a year. 

I was recently contacted by a writer who is putting together a new book on raising Shih Tzu puppies and asked to interview me! How cool is that?! I will let everyone know when the book comes out!

So, I think one of the most repeated questions I get from so many people is, "WHY are your prices so low?? Why don't you charge more?"

Well, there is a reason for it, I do this, because I LOVE IT! I do not charge in the 1500-2500$ range because I want EVERYONE to enjoy my pups, YES, we do have rare colors and tiny ones, that you will find a lot of other breeders charge up the wazoo for..... But MY DOGS are all wonderful and beautiful and deserve a good family, NO a GREAT Family! I keep them low, low enough so everyone can enjoy them, but also at a rate where I know people will (hopefully) take very good care of them too. I do this to better the breed of course and as you can imagine this is a family effort. I have a great family who is always helping raise the pups and helping with our beautiful adult dogs, weekly baths, nightly hair brushing, nightly teeth brushing and so on! It is a lot of work, but we all love it and enjoy every second of it!

"What do you do with the money?" Is the next most asked question, well... we try to go on fun family trips every year and put the money aside for our trips. Of course it doesn't pay for all of it, but it is more like fun money here and there for the kids especially as they do so much for these sweet dogs and pups. We try to do a lot of fun family things. So, it is fun all the way around! My family is a huge part of this breeding program and everyone helps and takes part, so we use the money we get for whatever the family wants or needs. That's what we do with it! So it is super fun for everyone! For not only the families adopting but for my family too!!! I want to teach my kids about the love of animals, the sacrifices you make in doing this, how to better a breed by not continuing lines that may have issues! and I DO NOT want it becoming a chore or a "job" for me. I will never ever spend even $1 of the puppy money on bills. (Well! Vet bills maybe! HA!) This is something I made a deal with my husband back in 2006 when we adopted our very first breeder Molly, and I am happy to report over 10 years later we have not spent a penny of it on bills, only FUN things for the entire family, as I said before it is a family business everyone helps and loves these little ones! 

My husband has his Doctorate and is a College Professor and works very hard for our family, so we do not need the pup money for bills. I just do this because I love it! We teach the kiddos responsibility, we try our hardest to better the breed, to make families happy, to have their possibly very first experience adopting a pup be amazing, fun, informative and full of love.

I am an animal lover and have been since I was very young. This truly is my joy and passion. I love the whole process.  ♥

I love the Shih Tzu for so many reasons, they are soft and sweet. They are so gentle and kind with my kids I have never seen anything cuter than when I get home from a long day and I walk up the stairs and my dogs are so excited to see me that their little bodies are wagging so fast they look like little rolly pollys. lol

Everywhere I go in the house, they follow me. I just love it. They truly have added so much joy to our family. I always tell people that no matter if they get one of my dogs or not, they should have a pet, any kind of pet. A pet just makes your family complete.

We have been very blessed to have such wonderful dogs.

I do not do this for the money, I do it to better the breed AND for the joy it brings me on a personal level and the joy I give to others. Do not get me wrong there are some days where I am so tired, being up with puppies every two hours and the emotional aspect of it all and I sometimes just want to throw my hands up and quit. BUT then I have a family member reach out to me and tell me how grateful they are to me and how much they love their dogs. Sometimes I will just read the Testimonials that the families have written me to give me a boost. It is not always easy being a breeder, sometimes it is very very hard. But the Joy I see on the families faces when they come over on adoption day or on first visit day makes me remember why I do what I do! Being a breeder.... a good breeder, dedicated at all times is sometimes very trying! So thank you to those who reach out to me and keep my spirits up! I appreciate you all!! 

I raise only healthy and pure bred dogs. If we ever have any sick pups which of course happens time to time, I make sure they are all healthy and in the best condition possible before adopting them out.

I start their potty training for you, so they are off on the right foot the day you take your puppy home! I train them on puppy pads to begin with, then when they can walk on all fours I take them into the front yard for grass potty training.

Also, when you come to my home to adopt your puppy, you will see that your puppy is part of our family from the minute he or she is born. The puppies and their mama take up half of my kitchen and family room from the moment they arrive. We do NOT lock up our dogs in some room tucked away. This is always something you should check out when deciding on where you adopt your puppy from. They need constant supervision and of course love!  

Your puppy will come with Cute personalized Blanket, Puppy Treats, Pee Pads, AKC Papers, 1 Bag Puppy Food, Puppy Packet, Medical Records, First Shots, Tooth Brush, Deworming, Dew Claws Removed and a Toy!

I give them a few toys and the one they pick is the one that comes home with you. I find this helps with the transition from my home to yours. It is something familiar and also smells of their mommy. :)

Also, just as a precaution on my end I do not allow anyone to come over before they puppies reach about 4 weeks of age. Due to a fellow breeder friend of mine who lost an entire litter because a child was sick who came to see her puppies. Dogs/puppies do not typically catch colds from humans, but it can happen and because of that and also the fact that it causes the mothers of the puppies extreme stress having their new babies handled these terms are firm. 

I will however, take video and pictures and weights every week and send them out on either Saturday or Sunday of the week to your email or cell.

When looking to adopt because my babies go so fast and I know a lot of you want to see them in person, I will do FaceTime or Videos for you to choose your puppy. When putting down a deposit you will have two weeks to choose your puppy once it is born, through pictures, videos or FaceTime. Thank you for understanding in advance the 4 week age rule. I just am very overprotective and want these puppies to be in the best health possible for you on the day of adoption!

I can't wait to meet you and help you through your adoption process!

Please give me a call and we will set up a time for you to come over and meet the mama and papa and your new baby!

Thanks so much and have a wonderful day! 


Stefanie Peacock 


♥ 801-634-7233 Cell - call or text anytime!